Disability & Senior Services - Township of SchaumburgTownship of Schaumburg Disability & Senior Services - Township of Schaumburg

Our Mission

Disability & Senior Services is dedicated to providing quality assistance, education, referrals and programs to residents of all ages living with disabilities, individuals aged 55+ and their families. We aim to foster a diverse and inclusive community while promoting personal choice and independence.

Disability & Senior Services Department Contact Information

Please call 847-285-4541 to speak with the Disability & Senior Services Department if you are interested in any of the following services provided to Schaumburg Township residents. Deaf or Hard of Hearing may call VP 224-520-9763. To ensure we can provide residents with the assistance they need, appointments are required for most services.


Benefit Program Assistance

Benefits Counseling

Disability & Senior Services staff can help screen you for public benefits and assist with the application process. Staff are trained in Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP and more!

Benefit Access Program

Through the Illinois Department on Aging, individuals aged 16 or older with a disability or seniors 65 or older may qualify for a license plate discount with the Secretary of State and a ride free transit benefit with the Regional Transportation Authority.

CEDA Programs

CEDA offers a variety of programs to assist income-eligible households with their utilities:

  • Low-Income Household Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP): A federal program to assist low-income households in paying for home energy. View the flyer to learn more.
  • Furnace Assistance: The Furnace Repair and Replacement Program is available to LIHEAP-eligible households with heating systems that aren’t working or unsafe. – Funds are currently exhausted for the furnace program.
  • Weatherization: This program assists households in becoming more energy efficient to help reduce heating and cooling costs and to address health and safety issues for income-eligible residents.


This program, administered by the State of Illinois, helps cover medical expenses for some people with limited income and resources.

Regional Transit Authority (RTA)

RTA offers programs that allow individuals with disabilities and seniors ride at a discounted rate or for free.

  • Ride Free Permits: Older adults and people with disabilities who are enrolled in the Benefit Access program are eligible to ride free on the CTA, Metra and Pace fixed-route services.
  • Reduced Fair Permits: RTA issues Reduced Fare Permits to allow older adults and persons with qualifying disabilities to ride at a reduced rate on CTA, Metra and Pace buses and trains.

Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP)

SHIP is a free statewide insurance counseling service for Medicare beneficiaries and their caregivers. Whether you’re new to Medicare or have been using it for decades, Disability & Senior Services Staff are available to provide you with free, unbiased counseling on Medicare benefits including:

  • Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C) Open Enrollment (January 1 – March 31)
  • Medicare Prescription Drug Plans (Part D) Open Enrollment (October 15-December 7)
  • Medicare Savings Programs: These state programs help Medicare beneficiaries with limited income and assets pay for Medicare Part A and B premiums and/or cost sharing amounts.
  • Extra Help: This program helps Medicare beneficiaries with limited income and resources pay Part D premiums, deductibles, coinsurance and other costs.

Disability & Senior Services staff are available to do Medicare presentations for your agency or community group. Presentations can be done in-person or virtually depending on your needs. Please call Becky Cordes, Director of Disability and Senior Services at 847-285-4542 for more information.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

SNAP is a federal program designed to help people with limited income increase their ability to purchase food. View the flyer for more information.

Cultural Programs, Recreation, Special Events, Trips and More!

Disability & Senior Services hosts a variety of activities for Schaumburg Township residents. For residents aged 55+, there are a variety of recurring exercise classes and recreation programs held each week, as well as a variety of day trips and educational workshops. Special programs and events are held throughout the year specifically for kids & young adults with disabilities and their families. Deaf Services also hosts a variety of programs and activities.

Programming options are always changing and growing! Check our newsletters and the Township calendar for the most up-to-date information.

Have an idea for a program or event? Please call us at 847-285-4541!

Disability & Senior Services Committee (DSSC)

The DSSC is a ten-member volunteer group that serves as an advisory council to Disability & Senior Services and the Township Board of Trustees. Applications are accepted year-round in case of future vacancies. Members serve three-year terms and must be residents of Schaumburg Township, at least legal voting age and appointed by the Board. DSSC meets the second Tuesday of each month, September – May and meetings are open to the public. Contact Becky Cordes, Director of Disability & Senior Services at 847-285-4542 if you are interested in applying to the committee.

Holiday Adoption Program

Disability & Senior Services hosts an annual Holiday Adoption Program for individuals with disabilities and their families and seniors in need. Residents and businesses can share the joy of the holidays with their neighbors in need by adopting an individual or family. If you wish to donate, please contact Becky Cordes at 847-285-4542 or email bcordes@schtwn.org.

We are always in need of gift cards. With community support, we can help our neighbors in need have a brighter holiday season.

Illinois Telecommunications Access Corporation (ITAC)

Schaumburg Township is a selection center for the ITAC amplified phone program which provides free phone equipment to qualified Illinois residents with certified hearing loss. Qualified residents may come to the Disability & Senior Services department to do a live test call on the phones and select one with the optimal hearing results for them. Each phone has varying levels of amplification and adjustments for tone and clarity. There are no age or income requirements. Residents need landline and/or cell phone service, proof of IL residency and the application signed by a medical professional. ITAC coordinates the distribution of equipment. Download an application or begin the online process.

ITAC also offers equipment for individuals who have had a Laryngectomy, have a permanent speech disability or are deaf. More information about these options can be found on the ITAC website or by calling Disability & Senior Services at 847-285-4541.

Information & Referrals

Disability & Senior Services maintains extensive resources and provides information and referrals on a variety of issues. Many inquiries for information or referrals can be handled over the phone, however if you have many questions or would like to have an in-depth conversation about your situation, we request you schedule an appointment so we can give you the time you need.


Disability & Senior Services offers multiple ways to stay up to date on the latest information. Contact Disability & Senior Services at 847-285-4541 to subscribe to any of these newsletters:

  • Access Point is a bimonthly publication providing general information for both individuals with disabilities and seniors aged 55+.
  • Deaf Line is a bimonthly publication providing information for Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals.
  • The Disability eNewsletter, published twice a month, provides current programming information and community news for persons with disabilities, Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals and their families.
  • The Senior eNewsletter is sent out every Friday morning and provides current programming information and community news for seniors aged 55+.

Senior Will Program

Disability & Senior Services’ Will Program provides Township senior residents the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a Chicago Bar Association accredited attorney for the purpose of creating a living will, simple will, powers of attorney, estate planning, bankruptcy, (buy & sell) real estate and probate at a significantly reduced cost. Participating attorneys donate their time and only charge for document preparation. This very popular program is by appointment only and is booked out several months in advance.

Temporary Parking Placards for Persons with Disabilities

Disability & Senior Services issues Temporary Parking Placards for Persons with Disabilities. A completed application, including a doctor’s authorization and signature, is required to obtain a temporary placard. A temporary placard is valid for three months. If you have been approved for a six-month temporary placard, you will receive a second three-month placard after your initial one expires. If you continue to require a temporary placard after six months, a new application will need to be signed by your doctor.

If a permanent placard is needed, an application signed by a doctor will need to be submitted to the Secretary of State, Persons with Disabilities License Plates/Placard Unit, 501 S. Second St. Rm. 541, Springfield, IL 62756. Individuals in need of a permanent placard can bring their application to Disability and Senior Services and receive a temporary placard to use while their application is being processed. Permanent placards or plates will take 2-4 weeks to receive.

No appointment is necessary for this service.

Volunteer Opportunities

We are always looking for volunteers to support Disability & Senior Services. If you or your organization has a unique talent or skill set and would like to lead a class or workshop, please contact us at 847-285-4541. We utilize volunteers in the following ways:

  • Class Instructor or Program Leader
  • Clerical Support
  • Special Event Assistance