Law states that an unincorporated area is a region of land that is not part of a municipality (village). This means that homeowners within the unincorporated areas of Schaumburg do not have available to them some of the services provided by their village such as water, sewer and emergency response (e.g. fire and police). Those services are provided by the county or the Fire Protection District.
Cook County governs the use of the land in unincorporated Schaumburg therefore resident complaints, concerns and questions regarding land, neighbor disputes and services should be directed to Cook County at 312-603-0500. The Schaumburg Township Road & Bridge District is responsible for the roads in the unincorporated areas of the township, therefore all questions, concerns, and/or complaints regarding the roads should be directed to the Road District at 847-884-1727.
Because the unincorporated and incorporated boundaries of Schaumburg Township do not run in a straight line, it would be difficult for any new resident to tell whether or not they live in the unincorporated or incorporated area of the township. If your neighbor is in unincorporated it does not necessarily mean you are as well. This question should always be directed to the Assessor’s office here at the Township by calling 847-285-4567.
New residents living in the unincorporated area are required to follow the county (Cook County) and Schaumburg Township ordinances.
Due to the Schaumburg Township Road & Bridge Ordinance 2013/2014 #02 relating to use of the unincorporated roads, you may not choose a company for refuse pickup. Schaumburg Township has a contract with Flood Brothers until April 2025, and at that time a new vendor will be chosen via the bid process by Schaumburg Township and a notice will be mailed to inform residents of the new service provider. You may contact the Flood Brothers at 630-261-0400.
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