DEIA Community Assessment Project Unify - Township of SchaumburgTownship of Schaumburg DEIA Community Assessment Project Unify - Township of Schaumburg
We’re thrilled to introduce our new Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) Community Assessment Project (Unify). This initiative is in partnership with Harper College and led by Dr. Sean Bailey, PhD, and the Research team from Access to Growth Learning Solutions.
The DEIA Community Assessment is a focused initiative separate from the Township of Schaumburg and the Village of Schaumburg’s Polco surveys and is aimed at addressing the unique experiences and needs related to diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility in our community. This means your insights will directly influence policies and initiatives distinct from the general community feedback collected in the Polco surveys. Both Polco surveys and this DEIA survey are vital and serve different purposes.
Over the next several weeks, you’ll be hearing and seeing more about Unify. We will be inviting community members to participate in focus groups and individual sessions. Your feedback is crucial to helping us create plans to make our community more inclusive.
Let’s work together to build a more equitable and welcoming Township of Schaumburg!