FY25 Funded Providers
Meetings, which are open to the public, are held the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm at 1 Illinois Blvd. in Hoffman Estates, unless otherwise noted. Agendas and minutes can be found by clicking this link: schaumburgtownship.org/transparency/agenda-minutes/.
MHB Meeting Schedule – 2025
The Township of Schaumburg Mental Health Board (MHB) was established in 2022 following the passing of a township-wide ballot referendum. The MHB oversees an annual levy to provide services related to mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance use disorders (MHB Service Areas).
As mandated by the Illinois Community Mental Health Act (405 ILCS 20, et al.), the MHB is required to do the following as they relate to MHB Service Areas:
Volunteer members are appointed by the Township Supervisor and typically serve four-year terms. In addition, one member of the Township Board serves on the Mental Health Board.
The Mental Health Board accepts grant applications from agencies providing services related to mental health, substance use disorders and developmental disabilities to Schaumburg Township residents. This includes preventative programs and intervention services. Contact Executive Director, Quinette Hobson-Robb, at quinette@tosmhb.org for more information.
Grant Application is currently closed.
Guidelines for Allocation of Funds
Members of the community mental health board shall be residents of Schaumburg Township and, as nearly as possible, be representative of interested groups of the community such as local health departments, local comprehensive health planning agencies, hospital boards, lay associations concerned with mental health, developmental disabilities and substance abuse, and individuals with professional or lived expertise in mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse.
General public representation may also be considered for appointment when there are gaps in board duties and qualifications that cannot be filled from the above stated categories.
Only one member shall be a member of the governing body.
The term of office of each member of the community mental health board shall be for 4 years.
If interested in becoming a Board Member for the Mental Health Board access the application through the link below.
Board Member Application – Submittable
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