Mental Health Board - Township of SchaumburgTownship of Schaumburg Mental Health Board - Township of Schaumburg

Board Members



Meetings, which are open to the public, are held the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm at 1 Illinois Blvd. in Hoffman Estates, unless otherwise noted. Agendas and minutes can be found by clicking this link:

History & Overview

The Township of Schaumburg Mental Health Board (MHB) was established in 2022 following the passing of a township-wide ballot referendum. The MHB oversees an annual levy to provide services related to mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance use disorders (MHB Service Areas).

As mandated by the Illinois Community Mental Health Act (405 ILCS 20, et al.), the MHB is required to do the following as they relate to MHB Service Areas:

  • Identify the needs within the Township.
  • Consult agencies providing local services.
  • Disburse funds for direct services.
  • Submit a written plan and annual reporting for community services.
  • Meet at least quarterly to execute the functions of the Mental Health Board.

Volunteer members are appointed by the Township Supervisor and typically serve four-year terms. In addition, one member of the Township Board serves on the Mental Health Board. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, and interested individuals who reside in Schaumburg Township may apply through the below application.


Grant Application

The Mental Health Board is currently accepting grant applications from agencies providing services related to mental health, substance use disorders and developmental disabilities to Schaumburg Township residents. This includes preventative programs and intervention services. Contact Executive Director Quinette Hobson-Robb at for more information.



Mental Health Board Application

"*" indicates required fields

Applicant Information

Have you worked for Township of Schaumburg before?*
Do you have any relatives currently employed by Township of Schaumburg or any political sub-division thereof?*
Have you ever been convicted of or charged with a felony or misdemeanor? (A conviction will not automatically disqualify you from an appointment; exclude minor traffic violations)*
Are there any felony/misdemeanor charges pending against you?*

Employment History

Your work experience is an important factor in evaluating your qualifications. Please list your current employer or most recent employer.
Employer's Address:
May we contact this employer?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Public/Civic Leadership Information

Do you or any of your close family or business connections make use of services provided by, or connected with, the elected office or board/commission for which you are applying?*
Do you or any of your close family or business connections serve in any elected office, on any board/commission, or with any organization which has or may have any connection or relationship with the elected office or board/commission for which you are applying?*


Please give the names of three persons, not related to you, whom you have known for over one year.
Reference 1:
Reference 2:
Reference 3:

Education & Life Experience

Are you currently or have you previously served as an elected official, served in a government commission, or private organization?*

Certification & Release - Read Carefully

I certify that the answers and information given by me in this application are true, correct and complete without qualification. I understand the Township has the right to refuse to appoint me or immediately discharge me, at any time if it discovers I have provided incomplete, untrue, or misleading answers or information in this application or on any other documents or forms submitted at any time during my employment. I authorize the Township and its agents, to verify the answers and information given by me in this application and to make any investigation of my background deemed necessary. I authorize former employers, law enforcement organizations, educational institutions, and any other third party contacted by the Township or its representatives, to release to the Township or its agents information which may be used to verify information in this application.